Drawing With Colored Pencils Dvd Lessons

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Drawing DVD


Learn how to apply the principles of Drawing as Brian explains the following:
Line Drawing
Mass Drawing
Establishing reference points to use as guides
Recognizing shapes in your subject
Accurate measuring and placement of shapes

This 2 Disc set includes 2 hours and 48 minutes of instruction.


Drawing can be defined as the expression of form and is the foundation of representational art. By learning how to recognize and accurately measure shapes that are found within every object, the artist is then provided with the necessary information in order to express form in their own painting.

Learn how to apply the principles of Drawing as Brian explains the following:
Line Drawing
Mass Drawing
Establishing reference points to use as guides
Recognizing shapes in your subject
Accurate measuring and placement of shapes

A painting demonstration is included in this lesson as well. A cup, saucer and spoon serve as subjects for demonstrating how to apply the principle of Drawing directly to the art of painting.

With a solid understanding of Drawing, the artist is then prepared to study the principles of Value, Color and Edges.

4 reviews for Drawing DVD

  1. Brian Jekel

    "Thirty years ago, I began expressing to my art students the importance of having a good library of books . I also said that if you would have just one book it should be Creative Illustration by Andrew Loomis. Ten years ago, I added that if there were 2 books in your library it should be Creative Illustration and also Alla Prima by Richard Schmid. This year I added The Principles of Painting, a 4 DVD set by Brian Neher, to those two books. What these resources have in common is that they are all packed with information. Brian starts with the basics of sound drawing and builds with the fundamentals of painting that you would expect from a good art school. The DVD's are filled with demos and examples that complement Brian's clear explanations. Brian is articulate and thoughtful in his presentations. I highly recommend these DVD's to anybody who is serious about being an artist or someone who would like to get started in painting."

  2. Tisha Robinson

    "I have been a fan of Joe Bowler, the renowned portrait artist, for almost 30 years. I was so excited when I learned about Brian Neher and that he has been a Bowler student for over 15 years. Neher's work is extraordinary, and one can definitely see the great influence that Bowler has had on his work. I couldn't wait to purchase all of his videos so that I could learn more from him, especially the "Painting Outdoor Light" DVD. I am thrilled about how my color skills have improved since reviewing the video set. I now truly understand about how important color temperature is and how it can help turn the form and how to create "grays" that yield believable flesh tones. I often leave the videos running on my computer next to me while I paint, so I get to hear the principles over and over. It's like having Neher teaching me in my own studio. The DVDs are very well done and extremely thorough on teaching the techniques. It is totally worth the money for artists on any level to help further their skills."

  3. Kyle Keith

    "Brian Neher's video instruction series is by far one of the finest and most informative series on painting available. Brian's approach to teaching is thorough and fundamental, giving the student who is eager for real knowledge the information they need in order to understand the guiding principles of value, color and light. I particularly enjoyed the way in which Brian presented his examples. As an Instructor, his illustrations helped me to clarify my own teaching approach, and I believe my students have benefited greatly as a result. Brian Neher's portraits are stunning, filled with the mystery of light and color. In his video series, "The Principles of Painting", Brian shares the same knowledge that has helped him to create such memorable works. He makes the information easy to grasp and remember. I appreciate that Brian did not focus on himself in the series but really focused on educating the artist in a clear and plain spoken manner, with the same commitment that he pours into each of his paintings."

  4. Anne Campbell, author at Home Educating Family Association

    "In Principles of Painting Volume 1: Drawing, Brian Neher sits at his easel with his brush and palette in hand (and a roll of paper towels under his arm), painting as he discusses the principles of drawing as they relate to painting. He explains the concept of "mass drawing," where the painter sees objects as shapes instead of lines. Using oil paint as his medium, Mr. Neher shows viewers the technique as he describes it, such as demonstrating the way to measure for accuracy in proportion. It is fun to watch him work, and even more fun to watch him grab a paper towel, wipe off the canvas at certain points, and start over. My son is artistically talented, and it always amazes me to see an artist at work. Mr. Neher shares his gift in a way that both artists and non-artists alike will enjoy."

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Source: https://brianneher.com/product/principles-of-painting-drawing-dvd-set/

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